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The opinions expressed in these blogs are solely those of the people who wrote them, and do not represent the views of WPSU or Penn State University.
Local Food Journey
Six tips for a perfect New Year’s Day pork and sauerkraut dinner.
Posted by Jamie Oberdick on 12/30 at 09:49 AM
Eating pork and sauerkraut for good luck on New Year’s Day is a Pennsylvania tradition based on a few rather rural observations. First, you have pork because pigs root forward, while chickens and turkeys scratch backwards. Therefore, the folk logic goes, eating pork equals progress in the next year.
Then there’s the sauerkraut, which symbolizes prosperity. This is because sauerkraut apparently swells as it ferments.
Whatever the reasons for eating it, pork and sauerkraut is an excellent, hearty meal for a mid-winter day. Here are six tips to help you make the best pork and sauerkraut possible:
Local Food Journey
In memory of PASA board member Jerry Brunetti
Posted by Jamie Oberdick on 12/26 at 01:27 PM
Reprinted from an email, sent out by Brian Snyder, executive director of the Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture:
At a time of year already packed with emotional intensity, it can be especially hard to lose a loved one. This year all of us at PASA are greatly saddened to note the passing of our board member, good friend, mentor and inspirational leader, Jerry Brunetti, who succumbed to cancer this past Saturday, just shy of his 64th birthday.
I refuse to assert that “he lost his long battle with cancer,” as we so often hear being said, because Jerry was nothing if not a winner, in this and other life struggles as well. In facing this disease so courageously over many years, he taught us by example about natural systems for healing, and how to live in general. Jerry will be greatly missed, but will forever be our teacher through the many lessons he has left behind.
Local Food Journey
A great bran muffin recipe to get back on a healthy track
Posted by LacCreta Holland on 12/26 at 10:31 AM
These bran muffins are dense. They are so good in that healthy sort of way. And after a holiday season with too much candy, we can all use some of these!
Classic Bran Muffins (from The Breakfast Book by Marion Cunningham)
Local Food Journey
Head to Boalsburg Farmers Market today for holiday recipe ingredients
Posted by Jamie Oberdick on 12/23 at 09:04 AM
For your holiday dinners, it’s always good to try to serve local food. While it’s cold and gloomy and eating local produce is a lot harder to do than when it’s sunny and summery, but the Boalsburg Farmers Market is open today from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and has some local produce options.
Melanie Rosenberger of the Boalsburg Farmers Market has shared with us two delicious side recipes to complement whatever holiday main dish you decide to make.
Local Food Journey
Last minute local food gift ideas
Posted by Jamie Oberdick on 12/22 at 10:24 AM
Uh-oh…just realized you forgot to get someone a gift? Delayed your shopping to the last possible moment? Decided to get someone a gift as the last minute? Hard to go wrong with food, especially the local variety. There’s lots of great gift ideas out there in our local food world that are delicious. Plus, if you buy a local food gift, you are supporting the Central Pennsylvania economy. So, everyone wins.
Here’s some great ideas for local food gifts…
Local Food Journey
Tradition and Plum Bread
Posted by LacCreta Holland on 12/18 at 10:54 AM
Phyllis Richman, the former food critic of The Washington Post, wrote a beautiful article published in the Post in November 1992, that I keep in my files and read at this time of the year. She focused on the rituals of her family:
“It’s about ritual. Once upon a time, rituals grew from childhood and developed naturally throughout a lifetime. These days there is seldom time for that. Repetition makes the various parts of the holiday familiar. That’s what creates the bonds: recognition, memory. The beauty of a family ritual is that even if you are not there, you can imagine what is going on. You can evoke the rhythm..the smells, the conversations. One ‘holiday’ is linked to another.â€
Local Food Journey
Lots of smells, tastes, and sights to behold at the State College Indoor Farmers Market
Posted by Anna Lombardo on 12/16 at 11:20 AM
When I opened the doors to the State College Municipal Building last Friday, it was a cold, clammy day. I hadn’t seen the sun in what felt like weeks. And yet, as I entered the building and made my first trip to the State College Winter Farmers’ Market, I felt that familiar coziness (perhaps a mixture of good food, electric heat, and pre-holiday cheer?) come over me. It was the indoor market’s first gathering of the season.
Local Food Journey
Holiday events with a local food twist
Posted by Jamie Oberdick on 12/11 at 11:05 AM
There are several holiday events coming up that have a local food angle to them. If you want to celebrate the holiday and support local food vendors, here are several opportunities to do so:
Local Food Journey
Yes, believe it or not, there are still local veggies/fruits ‘in season’
Posted by Jamie Oberdick on 12/09 at 10:00 AM
With winter in full swing across the area, it may come as a surprise to many that there are still vegetables and fruits that are “in season” and available via both CSA’s and local farmers markets. Here are some examples of vegetables that are available either due to being able to store them well or because they can be grown in greenhouses:
Local Food Journey
Two soups to help you fight the winter chill
Posted by James Sechrengost on 12/05 at 09:17 AM
With the weather getting cold and miserable, I have to wonder what was I thinking moving from Southern California to Pennsylvania? Of course now they are in monsoon season. I remember when I got to SoCal one of the first things the military had me do was fight brush fires. Then when winter came I was back in the same area filling sand bags to stop the mud and rain from ruining homes since there was no vegetation left from the fires to hold the soil in place.
Where was I? Oh, yeah, cold weather. After trudging through the snow and slush the last thing I feel like doing when I get home is cook. I just want to put on my jammies and settle down in my warm house and let the storms rage outside. So to do this I have become a fan of soups. In particular soups you can make in a crockpot. I put everything in the crockpot, turn it on, and when I get home the house smells wonderful and there is a warm meal waiting to heat me up. Throw in some nice crusty bread and some local butter and I am a happy little camper. I have included below two recipes for my favorite versions of both lentil and split pea soups. I hope they warm you up as much as they do me.
Local Food Journey
PASA gift guide offers great local food gifts for the holidays
Posted by Jamie Oberdick on 12/03 at 09:17 AM
Trying to come up with a perfect gift for that foodie in your life? The Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture (PASA) has the solution—the PASA Good Gifts Guide. javascript:nullo();
TICKETS still available for WPSU presents Winterfest
Posted by Mike D on 12/01 at 11:58 AM
Friday, December 12 at 7:00 p.m.
President’s Hall
Get your tickets at the The Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel, starting at 6:00 pm.
WPSU-FM and Penn State School of Music invite you to our fourth annual holiday musical celebration, Winterfest, 14: Our Gift in Song, featuring Essence of Joy, directed by Dr. Anthony Leach. This year’s community concert will be broadcast live on WPSU-FM from President’s Hall at the Penn State Conference Center and Hotel.
Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of the live audience and move, groove, clap your hands and stomp your feet in support of your public radio station, WPSU-FM.
Local Food Journey
Annual PASA Conference Feb. 3-7, early Pre-Registration window for discounted registration now open.
Posted by Jamie Oberdick on 12/01 at 10:15 AM
You may have received your 2015 PASA Conference brochure in the mail over the holiday weekend. If not, then you can find it at
This year PASA will offer a Pre-Registration window where you can get the lowest rate possible for the conference. The deadline for registration to get this discount rate is Jan. 5 at 5:00 p.m.
Most recent entries
Our Local Food Journey comes to an end
- Wednesday, January 31, 2018
- By Jamie Oberdick in Local Food Journey
Winter isn’t a quiet time at the farm
- Wednesday, January 31, 2018
- By James Eisenstein in Local Food Journey
Get the taste of garden season right now by growing herbs indoors
- Friday, January 26, 2018
- By Jamie Oberdick in Local Food Journey
All you need to know about PASA’s Farming for the Future conference
- Friday, January 19, 2018
- By Jamie Oberdick in Local Food Journey
- January 2018
- December 2017
- November 2017
- October 2017
- September 2017
- August 2017
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