Erin Donahue -
Christina Barkanic -
Brittany Trott -
Emily Wiley -
Jessica Reilley -
Chris Raines -
Will Nichols -
Emily Reddy -
Michele Marchetti -
Michele Frank -
James Gherardi -
Kit Henshaw -
Christina and Erin -
Kim Tait -
Erin McKinney -
Steve Spanelli -
Sam Komlenic -
Katherine Taylor Grofic -
James Eisenstein -
Jamie Oberdick -
Anna Lombardo -
LacCreta Holland -
Tony Ricci -
Local Food Journey -
Laura Young -
Kristin Camplese -
Harrison's Fresh + Local -
Danielle Matalonis -
Kristine A. -
Linda Weaver -
Naomi Elle Schwartz -
Dana Stuchul -
Cara McShane -
Brittany Smith -
Jessica Illuzzi - Frosty
Jessica Paholsky -
James Sechrengost -
Brad Yeckley -
Maya Althouse -
Jordan Reabold -
Kim Chase -
Maria Bryant - Alexandrea Scott
What Are You Grilling?
Posted by Chris Raines on 07/02, 2010 at 01:20 PM
Summer Grilling. Credit Emily Wiley.
What’s going to end up on your grill this July 4th weekend? We’re having lamb burgers and pork chops at my place.
I’m Chris and I’m the state meats extension specialist for Pennsylvania. At Penn State, I work primarily with independent slaughterhouses and butcher shops—pertaining mostly to food safety regulations and meat quality topics.
Beyond that, I am fortunate to have the opportunity to work with farmers and eaters as an educator. I get to interact with Pennsylvanians across the farm-to-fork spectrum.
One thing is certain—it’s not difficult to find local meats in our state. Did you know that we have more USDA-inspected slaughterhouses than any other state?
I look forward to interacting with you on your Local Food Journey.
Author: Chris Raines
Bio: Chris Raines is the state meats extension specialist for Pennsylvania and assistant professor at Penn State.
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- All you need to know about PASA’s Farming for the Future conference
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
07/02 at 07:57 PM
State College, Pa
I’m grilling vegetables. I’m vegetarian. It’s horrible to think about the mass slaughter of sentient, intelligent non-human animals just because Homo sapiens find their muscle tissue “tasty.” It’s a shame that Penn State allocates quite a bit of money to programs that advocate this mass slaughter.
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