Erin Donahue -
Christina Barkanic -
Brittany Trott -
Emily Wiley -
Jessica Reilley -
Chris Raines -
Will Nichols -
Emily Reddy -
Michele Marchetti -
Michele Frank -
James Gherardi -
Kit Henshaw -
Christina and Erin -
Kim Tait -
Erin McKinney -
Steve Spanelli -
Sam Komlenic -
Katherine Taylor Grofic -
James Eisenstein -
Jamie Oberdick -
Anna Lombardo -
LacCreta Holland -
Tony Ricci -
Local Food Journey -
Laura Young -
Kristin Camplese -
Harrison's Fresh + Local -
Danielle Matalonis -
Kristine A. -
Linda Weaver -
Naomi Elle Schwartz -
Dana Stuchul -
Cara McShane -
Brittany Smith -
Jessica Illuzzi - Frosty
Jessica Paholsky -
James Sechrengost -
Brad Yeckley -
Maya Althouse -
Jordan Reabold -
Kim Chase -
Maria Bryant - Alexandrea Scott
Posted by Dana Stuchul on 06/03, 2012 at 07:15 PM
Dana's Backyard Garden. Photo Credit Dana Stuchul.
Please welcome our newest contributor, Dana Stuchul, founder of VeggieCommons—a resource for Growing Food Where We Live. At her home in State College, Dana has backyard chickens, a small apiary, a front-yard terrace garden, a backyard “mini-farm,†numerous fruit trees and shrubs, a roof-top water collection system (and bici-bomba, a bicycle powered pumping system), and a wood-fired bread oven. Take it away, Dana!
Welcome to VeggieCommons!
First, an invitation to imagine. Consider a community where the grass lawns of churches, corporations, schools, government buildings, and apartments are instead well-loved, well-tended and bountiful vegetable gardens. Fruiting bushes and trees can be found in grass strips and wedges alongside roads. A place where the thoughtful harvest and storage of water draining off of structures (buildings, parking facilities, all manner of roofs) ensure that these gardens receive adequate watering. A place where a deep appreciation for the well-being of soil (through composting practices) is matched equally by a great affection for the many creatures (pollinators, predator insects, songbirds, et al.) which make its life both possible and more beautiful. And, finally, imagine the people in this community wholeheartedly related to their food—to its cultivation, its harvest, its preparation, its shared enjoyment.
Such is the vision to which VeggieCommons is devoted.
Now, what might be necessary for such a vision to be realized? Well, I suppose the first ingredient would be people. People inspired by such a vision and its potential for addressing many of the concerns facing all of us equally. Concerns such as access to affordable, non-pesticide-laden fresh food; spiraling costs of gasoline for transporting foods; uncertain weather patterns; even social isolation. People who are interested in “bread laborâ€â€”a small bit of work in exchange for the payment of large dividends (stronger muscles, fresh vegetables, sparks of friendship, embodied knowledge of seasons, heightened awareness of birds, butterflies, earthworms, etc.).
Such is the meaning of “commons†in the name, VeggieCommons. The idea of commons (once de-linked from land exclusively) is simply the recognition that we have so much in common with our neighbors—concern for our own and our family members’ health and well-being, concern for meaningful activities, concern for security and peace. This is our “commonsâ€â€”a common concern … concerns of a community for their community. And the question that follows—might gardening (the “veggie†in VeggieCommons) on lands (now only in grass, both privately and publicly owned) make a positive contribution to our common concerns?
My answer is “Yes!â€
So, in a nutshell (or pea pod), VeggieCommons is a volunteer, State College-based non-profit that seeks vacant land and people with whom to grow community through vegetable gardening. We’d be very pleased to join with you to manifest this vision. Welcome!
Author: Dana Stuchul
Bio: Founder of VeggieCommons | Cultivator of affection ala Berry
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- Get the taste of garden season right now by growing herbs indoors
- All you need to know about PASA’s Farming for the Future conference
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
06/04 at 11:36 AM
Oaxaca, México
Yes, of course, congratulations. A dream come true. The three pillars for the new society -friendship, hope and surprise- are clearly present in this adventure…fully flourishing now in Happy Valley.
Muchos abrazos, dearest friend!
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
06/04 at 03:58 PM
Thank you Dana Stuchul! I’m so happy that YOU are one of our local treasures. And I’m so grateful that you are putting your head and heart and hands into this essential work. Here’s to lawns becoming places for growing food and community.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
06/04 at 04:32 PM
NH soon to be Penns Valley
I am so inspired by your vision and would like to help make it a reality. Let me know what your needs are.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
06/08 at 08:54 PM
Protection Island, BC
From State College to Protection Island, you continue to inspire us to connect to ourselves and each other through our food. A simple yet transforming invite. Growing community - yah Veggie Commons! Yah Dana!
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