Local Food Video: The Cheese Shoppe—Locally roasted coffee beans from afar

Posted by Jessica Paholsky on 06/28, 2013 at 10:55 AM

Local Food Video: The Cheese Shoppe—Locally roasted coffee beans from afar

Bill Clarke talks about the importance of understanding the process of coffee production, from the country where beans grow to the coffee mug. The Cheese Shoppe, named after its original product, allows customers to see the roasting process while serving themselves to a selection of flavors from around the world.

Tags: CheeseShoppe | cheese | video |

{name} Author: Jessica Paholsky

Bio: WPSU Multimedia Intern | Penn State Photojournalism Major | Will run for food


Posted by Danny Parfitt
08/01 at 07:29 AM

I really do agree with you ethos, fresh is best so why rush it. also it is important to support local businesses.

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