Greenhouse Woes

Posted by Tony Ricci on 10/17, 2012 at 06:58 PM

Greenhouse Woes

Photos Credit Tony Ricci.

The frost hit hard last week, which did a few crops in, but made others perk up a bit. Anything in the cabbage family just got sweeter.

We had plans for having greenhouse crops by this time of year, but delays in getting the right parts have put us behind by an entire season. The long and short of it is that the company sent us the wrong greenhouse.

It took two months, fifty phone calls, and four tractor trailers to get the correct parts – and that was back in March.

So it was a bit irritating when I finally had time to erect the ribs that I found yet another set of parts were wrong. Good thing I’m an easy going guy and the manufacturer is based in New Hampshire.  (My geographic limit for retribution is Tioga County.)

We’re pushing Scarlet and Sweet White Turnips this week. We have a beautiful crop this year. That’s what you see in the background of the pictures.

Also good supplies: Broccoli, Lettuce, Potatoes—especially Fingerlings.

Tags: farming |

{name} Author: Tony Ricci

Bio: Co-owner and operator of Green Heron Farm in southern Huntingdon County | Provides year-round supplies of local, organic vegetables (retail and wholesale) across central Pennsylvania


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