Field Notes

Posted by Erin McKinney on 10/10, 2011 at 06:59 AM

Field Notes

Cisco, Tait Farm dog in truck with pumpkins by Erin McKinney

The approach of the Fall frost has us hustling around the fields, trying to get everything prepared for it. There is the first frost, which will knock out most of the common annuals such as peppers, summer squash, eggplants and if you still have ‘em, tomatoes.

Soon it will be time to strip the plants and hope they store well for the next few weeks. We’ve harvested the winter squashes and stowed them away to enjoy during the last months of the year. Other crops can tolerate the first few frosts such as celery, celeriac and the more tender varieties of turnips and radishes. Then you have kales, collards and carrots which actually benefit from some frosting and tend to sweeten up a little bit. Cabbage, broccoli and brussel sprouts will hang out in the fields, actually enjoying the cooler weather for quite some time and affording us with more delicious greens to come long after the cold Fall truly settles in.  Enjoy this beautiful season and all of its gifts from the land!

Tags: fall | fieldnotes |

{name} Author: Erin McKinney

Bio: Tait Farm Farmer | Community Harvest CSA | Lover of Food and Farming | Author of Field Notes, Community News, and Good Earth e-publication for Tait Farm


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