Local Food Journey
Erin Donahue -
Christina Barkanic -
Brittany Trott -
Emily Wiley -
Jessica Reilley -
Chris Raines -
Will Nichols -
Emily Reddy -
Michele Marchetti -
Michele Frank -
James Gherardi -
Kit Henshaw -
Christina and Erin -
Kim Tait -
Erin McKinney -
Steve Spanelli -
Sam Komlenic -
Katherine Taylor Grofic -
James Eisenstein -
Jamie Oberdick -
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LacCreta Holland -
Tony Ricci -
Local Food Journey -
Laura Young -
Kristin Camplese -
Harrison's Fresh + Local -
Danielle Matalonis -
Kristine A. -
Linda Weaver -
Naomi Elle Schwartz -
Dana Stuchul -
Cara McShane -
Brittany Smith -
Jessica Illuzzi - Frosty
Jessica Paholsky -
James Sechrengost -
Brad Yeckley -
Maya Althouse -
Jordan Reabold -
Kim Chase -
Maria Bryant - Alexandrea Scott
All Posts by Dana Stuchul
Please welcome our newest contributor, Dana Stuchul, founder of VeggieCommons—a resource for Growing Food Where We Live. At her home in State College, Dana has backyard chickens, a small apiary, a front-yard terrace garden, a backyard “mini-farm,†numerous fruit trees and shrubs, a roof-top water collection system (and bici-bomba, a bicycle powered pumping system), and a wood-fired bread oven. Take it away, Dana!
Continue Reading: VeggieCommons
Posted by Dana Stuchul on 06/03, 2012 at 07:15 PM
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