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Volunteer News...
It’s Spring!
Posted on December 04, 2014
Well not quite spring yet….but it’s WPSU’s Spring TV Membership Campaign and…
Click Here to see what volunteer opportunities are still available.
Support this great community resource and sign-up today.
We love our volunteers!
Posted on September 11, 2014
CLICK HERE to view the Spring WPSU-npr Fundraiser (April 11-17) and partner up with WPSU in it’s educational mission.
Volunteer to answer phones during this FM Radio Fundraiser or use link in paragraph above for Spring TV Fundraiser.
Spots filling fast, sign up soon!
You will get to meet great people, see live TV or Radio in action and volunteering benefits your health!

Pledge drives for TV and Radio are an important fundraising effort. Pledge volunteers answer phones, tally numbers, and supervise.
Businesses and community organizations are encouraged to volunteer as a pledge group in exchange for on-air recognition.
Benefits include verbal acknowledgements and camera pans of volunteers.