No-Knead Bread

No-Knead Bread

We don’t buy grocery store cookies or cakes (with the exception of peanut butter pie from Wegmans), so why have we settled for bagged bread for so long?

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{name} Posted by Emily Wiley on 08/24, 2010 at 11:39 AM

Tags: recipe | bread |

Keep it Clean, Keep it Cold

Keep it Clean, Keep it Cold

The first rule of food safety is “keep it clean.” In a close second to that basic food safety tenet is “keep it cold.”

The principles of safe food handling haven’t changed much from the basics my great-grandmother taught my mother. Those tips that were passed down from a 1900 southern Missouri homestead came from a simpler time, before the modern efficiencies of modern agriculture (and their unfortunate associated skepticism) were known.

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{name} Posted by Chris Raines on 08/23, 2010 at 10:54 AM

Tags: meat | foodsafety |

Watermelon Granita

Watermelon Granita

Before summer turns to fall, take advantage of late August melons with this easy granita recipe.

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{name} Posted by Emily Wiley on 08/18, 2010 at 09:27 AM

Tags: summer | recipe | watermelons |

Goat: It’s What’s for Dinner

Goat: It’s What’s for Dinner

If you really want people to think you’re weird, tell them you ate goat. Ever since my husband and I cooked up some goat sausages on the grill, I’ve been singing this meat’s praises. It tastes great. It has less fat and more protein than beef. But the conversation seldom goes any further. When the subject of goat arises, so does the red flag in our brain that controls what goes into our mouth.

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{name} Posted by Michele Marchetti on 08/17, 2010 at 09:11 AM

Tags: meat | farm |

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