with support from the corporation for public broadcasting

Final Project

April 29, 2009 by Heather

Every Marine is a Rifleman

To even begin to describe what I learned in this course would take a novel.

What I will say is I have a new respect for those in the business of film-making.  I had no idea the amount of time involved in producing such a task.

To the class, I would like to thank all of you.  For me, this is the first time I have been in a class where I did not feel uncomfortable around the other students.  I really do not know if those feelings came from the age difference, lack of experience, or uninterest in my military background.  At any rate, this was the first time I felt fully able to participate in class and engage my peers.

I also want to thank our instructors.  I think you guys did an excellent job developing and implementing the class.  We have learned so much from both of you.

As for my project, I am actually proud of what I accomplished. My biggest surprise during the project was being able to create and submit a completed project.  I do not want to sound conceded, but I really do not know what I could have done differently.  I am glad I re-shot my interview and took Nathan’s comments to heart when I did so.  With the second interview, I believe I have captured SSgt Koshuta’s story rather than the Marine Corps’ story.  Not only did I capture his story, I believe I captured his passion, which he displays in playing the french horn and talking about his audition.



May 01, 2009

It’s definitely important for you to be able to engage your peers and feel a sense of comfort or belonging in a classroom. I think you did an excellent job on your documentary and you should most definitely be PROUD of all your HARD work!!! Thanks again for being the subject of my documentary, because if you hadn’t agreed to do it, I don’t know what I would’ve done! Good Luck in your future military career! I know you’ll make an excellent Marine officer!!!!

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