Final Project
April 29, 2009 by Heather
To even begin to describe what I learned in this course would take a novel.
Read more »Deployed… Again Film by Tyler
April 28, 2009 by Tyler
Here it is, my final film about the multiple deployments of Kevin Geisel! hope everyone enjoys(ed) it
Read more »Free Post: What I didn’t Like About Iraq
April 28, 2009 by Tyler
So 2004 was my year deployed. It was, in fact, the hardest year of my life. Even though I had grown, matured, and gained so much through that year I still felt like I had lost something important. And it wasn’t what happened. It’s what didn’t happen that bothered me so much.
Read more »Free Post: Would I do it Over Again?
April 28, 2009 by Tyler
I’ve often asked myself that question. While I’m proud of my service to my country I’ve often wondered if in the end of everything if I’d just go back and do things differently knowing now what I know then. Would I have joined the military at seventeen and pretty much stopped trying in school? Would I have been a medic? Would I have changed relationships differently?
Read more »“human” and other information
April 01, 2009 by Dave
My documentary ‘human’ has evolved from day one, shifting focus slightly and refined each day that I’ve worked at it. I only have the footage of one of my subjects right now which leaves many holes in my rough cut. So to fill in…
Read more »Rough Cut Assignment
April 01, 2009 by Heather
My video is entitled “Every Marine is a Rifleman” and features SSgt Jon Koshuta—a Marine who enlisted as a bandsmen, yet served in Jordan and Iraq.
Read more »Free Post: Thanks for going to Iraq!! Oh your… umm… welcome?
March 25, 2009 by Tyler
So about 2 weeks ago I was at the PSULPAC’s (PSU Lion’s Performance Auto Club) dinner after the weekly meeting. As I’m sitting down with the club members eating dinner it somehow comes up that I was in the Army.
Read more »Ball of Confusion
March 23, 2009 by Matt
“It looks like I will be joining this battle half way through. I think that my title is pretty appropriate in the sense that im not sure how I feel about the video.
The course utilized a blog both to continue the discussion outside the classroom, and to provide training for the students in blogging, video compression, and video sharing.
Students used the blog to post reflections and ideas, to share and comment on the video assignments, and to respond to each other's posts.
The film "Land of Confusion" was presented in class by the film's director, Jeremy Zerechak, a Penn State grad. Zerechak discussed filmmaking with the students and answered questions about his film. A number of the students wrote responses to the film on the blog. Watch a trailer of the film.
A number of posts also reference a This American Life episode entitled "The Devil in Me." Students in the class were asked to listen to the veteran-related portion of this radio program and to write a post about how they would tell the story visually. Listen to the story.