Student Films and Interviews

Blue titles indicate featured videos.
Richard Bright
Dec 03, 2009
I watched a few of the videos of some of the proposals the team is coming up with for the documentary. I like the point Tyler brought up about interviewing someone that is on his or her 3/4 deployment. I thought, what better way to do this than through World Campus. I am an active duty soldier in the Army and I know many of my World Campus class mates are also. I think that would be a huge advantage, because not only can students interview service members from all branches, but also service members who are currently deployed in one of the combat zones, which gives a first hand, real-time perspective. And this also provides the advantages of keeping things "in house". Just a thought.......
Kos Lis
Jan 10, 2010
War is very rough on our troopers. I'm glad that such program as this will help our troops stay sharp.
ted agens
Jan 18, 2010
Look, I don't want to detract from those who truly have PTSD, but as a Army retiree and a disabled veteran, I have seen how the va works. Particularly when you file your claim for disability, the person helping you urges you to "add" stuff or "pad" your claim. I think we need a better system of screening to ensure people do not get benefits that they lied to get. The guy in this video said he wanted to get checked out because" he didn't want to kill stuff any more" so wanting to kill stuff is normal?
We welcome your comments. However, please bear in mind that they may not appear immediately upon submission.
Eight students completed the course and, in the process, submitted a series of video projects, writing assignments and blog posts.
WPSU recorded portions of the class and taped interviews with the students at the beginning and end of the course. The interviews were conducted by the class instructors.
A cross-section of students is featured below. Watch their films, read their blogs, and share stories of your own.

- Christopher
Chris graduated in May 2009 with a degree in telecommunications. He joined the Marine Corps in April 2003 as a Corporal and a Field Wireman. He completed two tours in Iraq and was responsible for communications uplink.
Watch Chris's Final Film

- Dave »
Dave returned to school in 2005 and recently graduated with a degree in biochemistry. He joined the Army in January 2002 and enlisted as a 12B Combat Demolition Engineer.

- Duane
Duane is a senior majoring in history and medieval studies, with a minor in English. He enlisted in the Navy in January 2002 as a Fire Controlman 2nd Class Surface Warfare. His duties included supporting combat on an Aegis Spy 1 Alpha Radar System.

- James
James is a junior majoring in film and video. He was in the Navy from 2003 until 2007 and served as an E4 3rd Class Petty Officer, Surface Warfare, Personnel Specialist.
Watch James's Final Film

- John
John is a sophomore majoring in mechanical engineering. He has been out of active duty since 2007 and is currently a Specialist in the 2nd and 112 Unit in the Bellefonte National Guard. While stationed in Iraq his duties involved perimeter security and street patrol.

- Maggie
Maggie is a junior majoring in international politics. She enlisted into the Navy in August 2002 as a Corpsman HM3 and was also part of the Fleet Marine Force. Her primary role was to provide medical care.
Watch Maggie's Final Film

- Matt »
Matt is a sophomore majoring in secondary education with a focus on social studies. He was a machine gunner in the Marine Corps and was deployed to Iraq in 2005 and 2007.

- Mike
Mike is a senior majoring in pre-dental. In the military he was a sergeant in the 3rd Battalion 2nd Marines and was deployed to Iraq from March 2005 through October 2005. He provided intelligence for close air support and for mortaring of enemy targets.
Watch Mike's Final Film

- Tyler »
Tyler is a senior majoring in film. He was in Iraq from January 2004 through January 2005 and gave care and support to soldiers. While in Iraq he was a 91 Whiskey medic, where he gave care and support to soldiers.